Hospitality Team Meeting

All those who are currently greeters or would like to become greeters at KLCC, we are having a meeting after church on March 8.

Celebrate Recovery

Meets Monday evenings at 6 pm. The purpose is to provide a safe and confidential place to share and overcome our struggles together. We are not here to fix, but to offer encouragement, experience, strength and hope.

Kingdom Women Breakfast

Join us at Jenny’s Diner in Clinton at 9:30am for a time of food and fellowship.

Wednesday Night Activities

As we transition to a new adult class, we are taking a one week break to enjoy a potluck together.  Kingdom Culture Youth (6th-12th grade) will grab some dinner and head to their meeting.  All other activities are on hold for the week.  Please bring two dishes to share to the potluck.

UNITE Youth Rally

Join all your UNITE friends and bring some new friends for a youth rally where we will have special guest Joe Couch and the REV 5 Interns from Colorado Springs (! FREE PIZZA, ICE CREAM, SLUSHIES, & SWAG! There will be worship, fun actives and a message that will engage you in a unique way! […]

Kingdom Culture Lock-In

ATTN: All KINGDOM CULTURE FRIENDS!!! We don't want to stop the party after the rally is over so we are going ALL NIGHT with REV 5 and Joe Couch!!! But this LOCK-IN is NOT a UNITE event so ONLY Kingdom Culture students and their guests can stay. LOCK-IN Starts at 9:30pm but don't miss the […]

Kingdom Men Breakfast

Come for breakfast and fellowship.  We meet at Brunch House in Fulton.

Sunday Morning Services

8:00 am Intercessory Prayer 8:00 am Cafe Opens 8:45 am Sunday School 10:00 am Worship Service (childcare available) 10:30 am Children’s Church (kids are dismissed during the worship service)

Guest Speaker

Joe Couch will be giving our morning message.  For more info on Joe -

Celebrate Recovery

Meets Monday evenings at 6 pm. The purpose is to provide a safe and confidential place to share and overcome our struggles together. We are not here to fix, but to offer encouragement, experience, strength and hope.