Small Groups
We have groups that meet in Fulton, Clinton and Morrison. See the Church Center App to learn more and to sign up!
Sunday School
We have classes for ALL ages! Sunday School meets from 9-9:45am.
Men’s Ministry
Our men’s ministry, Kingdom Men, exists to build up the body of Christ by calling men to walk with Christ, equipping men to become like Christ, and sending men to work for Christ.
Join us the first Friday of each month at Men’s Wild at Heart Fire. For more details, click here.
Women’s Ministry
Our women’s ministry, Kingdom Women, exists to minister to women as they come alongside their families and to help them grow into all they can be in the Lord. Over the years, we have offered a full venue of Bible studies, special events, retreats and conferences designed to nurture and mature women. Our goal is to minister to women in a variety of ways as they live their lives – in their homes, in their communities, at their jobs or in their church, and as we teach them how to have purpose and value through ministry in their worlds.
Monthly breakfast – on the 2nd Tuesday AND the last Monday of each month at 9:30am at Jenny’s Diner in Clinton.
Intercessory Prayer
We believe that intercession is a lifestyle. We see things and they motivate us to pray, or to seek God’s wisdom about the spiritual nature of those things that we see. Meets at 8am on Sunday Mornings.
Marriage Mentoring
E-mail or call the church office (815-772-4098) for more information and to sign up to be mentored.
KLCC Prayer Ministry
Visit KLCC Prayer Ministry page